Dear friends of MIT Cool Japan,
Our next event continues our series on activism and media beyond Japan. Hope to see you there. Please share this announcement with friends, colleagues and lists.
You are invited to a unique presentation on the leading edge of mobile sound/video projection activism and the future of the Occupy Movement. Please join us for a talk and discussion sponsored by MIT Cool Japan and Comparative Media Studies. Combining theory and practice, a public action will be taking place in the evening (come to learn more). Free and open to the public.
Developing Best Practices for Public Projection Interventions
New York University
May 3, 2012 (Thursday)
Room 14E-310, MIT
free and open to the public, light dinner to follow
The Illuminator is a white cargo van equipped with video and audio projection, as well as a fully stocked infoshop and mini-library. It is a tactical media tool available to the Occupy Movement, both useful and beautiful. It is a shapeshifter, a transformer of public space which disrupts the patterns of everyday life, and embodies the social and political transformations for which the Occupy Movement continues to fight.
Mark Read is an artist, activist, and educator based in Brooklyn, New York. He is perhaps best known as the creator of the “99% Bat Signal” that was projected onto the Verizon Building in New York City on November 17th, 2012. His films have been shown internationally in a variety of venues, from the Piazza de Ferrari in Genoa Italy, to the Halls of the Whitney Museum. He is an adjunct professor of Media Studies at New York University.
Sponsors: MIT Cool Japan research project and Comparative Media Studies.
Contact: Prof. Ian Condry, condry at mit dot edu
Hope to see you there!