Calling all fortune-tellers!
NEJETAA will be participating in the Japan Festival Boston 2013 on Sunday May 19, and we need your help! After much discussion, we have decided to turn our table into a Japanese fortune-telling booth. We’ll be making up original fortunes and putting together omikuji that people can draw. We need ideas for fortunes, so if you’ve got any good ones we’d love to hear them! We’ll have 5 categories: Great Blessings (大吉), Small Blessings (小吉), Blessings (吉), Small Curses (少凶) and Great Curses (大凶). Fortunes can range from the tame (“You fill find a dollar” or “You will stub your toe”) to the outrageous (“You will win the lottery” or “You will suddenly lose all your hair.”). Topics can include Love, Money, School/Work, Family, Travel, and Health. Try to keep them gender-neutral and no swearing/explicit content please (think of the children!)
Please email fortunes to Stephanie at president at nejetaa dot com by Wednesday, May 1st.
Also if you are able to volunteer with NEJETAA in the planning of our booth or on the day of the festival, we’d love for you to join us! We’re looking for people to help for a minimum 1 hour but you’re welcome to stay longer. Please email Stephanie at the above address. Festival hours are 10am-6pm and it will be at the Boston City Hall Plaza, near Government Center T station.